For whatever reason, you are totally exhausted today.
Not the ever-present parent fatigue which, despite its deep rooted hold you, isn’t strong enough to make you put down the TV remote because, actually, you value that late night brain space more than sleep.
Oh no.
I’m talking about that tiredness which makes you feel like your bed is literally pulling your bones down.
Know that one?
When your human physical alarm clock uses its wake up call of choice (an elbow, finger up the nose, full on Simba pounce… insert your relevant call) and you just think…
Not today.
Well, guess what? The Play Pizzazz wand is in full force and here to support you guys.
Welcome to ‘Imaginative Magic for the Exhausted’!
Yes, you CAN have engaging, connected play when your body doesn’t want to move!
Sick, hay fever, late night (hey, I ain’t gonna judge…) these five tips will walk you through telly off play which will top your little one up and keep you in your bed.
You can do all of these from your bed. Pass me this magic elixir I hear you cry! What alchemy is this?! Just your average dose of Play Pizzazz magic brought to you here as a little lockdown / socially distanced gift.
Enjoy and let me know how you get on by posting on facebook @Playpizzazz or Instagram @Pizzazzplay.
So, get your small to collect some soft toys, or position yourself in front of them.
Announce that you are the defender (or keeper) of the toys and it is your royal quest to protect them from ‘The Cheeky Guys’.
You can use any phrase that suits you and your family vibe; this one is what my little boy made up when he was about two and it stuck!
I quite like it because it’s nice and light and keeps games from getting too physical / contact based, but use whatever suits you.
Your small must pretend to be the cheeky guys and get them off you. See what I’m doing here? You don’t do any of the moving!
They must use problem solving, effective communication and logic to try and get them. If your small is a bit older, you can set some small challenges along the way. I recommend:
• That they have to collect ‘the key’ from somewhere. This can be anything that you describe or an actual set of keys. It’s basically a scavenger hunt built into it to keep things ticking.
• They have to say some magic words. This can be a guessing game of sorts that you give clues to. Mummy (or whoever’s) favourite colour, place, last meal, etc. This is a lovely bonding exercise in itself.
This one is my absolute fave. I can’t take the credit for this; my lovely mummy used to do this with me.
I remember everything about our Time Travelling Bed; the way that we used to rock on take-off, beeping the buttons on the headboard and deciding on our locations. It’s a really lovely one.
So, get your small to pile on the bed with you and declare that it’s a magic time travelling bed. Big eyes and gestures will help seed the magic but don’t worry if you haven’t got that in you. They pick where you are going (you can turn take if you have more than one small).
Then type in the coordinates into the headboard complete with beeps and then 5,4,3,2,1….. LIFT OFF!
Countdown together, shake on lift off and then give a whoop!! You’re in the air! You could ask them:
• What can you see?
• What are we travelling over now?
• Oh that looks odd, what is that?
Feed their imagination with questions that THEY can lead on, and go with them. When you arrive, they can hop out of the ship and explore whilst you guard the ship… maybe from The Cheeky Guys?...
This a particular gem if your small likes dinosaurs (as mine does). Curve a blanket into circle on the bed and then pop in it toys if you like, or you could just use their imagination.
Are there predators around the nest trying to steal the eggs? How do you distract them? Are they hatching? What noise do they make? What colour are they? Ohhh.. Why does that one look different?
- Has a cuckoo snook in and planted their egg?
- Is it a magic egg which can transform?
This is great for teamwork, logic, communication, trust building and developing language skills but what I really love about it is that you can teach them about nurturing and caring through the guise of the eggs and how you are looking after them.
Perfect if you have a new arrival on the way or your small struggles with social expectations and responses.
What more can I say on this one?! You basically lie there and complain and they look after you! As long as you fill it with enough open-ended language you can run and run with this one!
Get your small to walk into the room in role if they are old enough to, it’s such good fun. Give them a simple phrase such as ‘what seems to be the matter today, miss/ sir?”. Give your response and then take their lead.
“ I’m feeling a bit dizzy, what could that be?”
“ I’ve also got a poorly finger, what does that need?”
Make it last! Don’t forget to get them to administer the medicine / treatment and give you a prescription and some follow up advice!
If they are really into it you can say “ It’s two weeks later now and I’m ready for a check up” and get them to repeat the welcome phrase and entrance from before. Have you had any (very funny and silly!) side effects from the treatment that need their immediate attention?!
I really love this because it’s perfect for developing conversation skills, independent thinking and routines.
If your small has an injection coming up or if you need them to engage in medical services of any kind, you can recall this or even recreate it to walk them through the processes to reassure them. How many boxes does that tick whilst you lie down?!
This is bound to create some funny moments so please do share them via my facebook @playpizzazz or Instagram @pizzazzplay.
If you like this subscribe to receive your copy of how to stay ‘Vital and Valid in Play’ and also click on our free tutorial video ‘Objects and Imaginations’.
I’m available for bespoke coaching too if you have a particular tricky. Just email me and I can book you in for a ‘Refresh and Reload’.